Asahi Linux: Open Source on Apple Silicon

The release of Apple Silicon, a new hardware platform based on ARM architecture, has revolutionized the way Macs are built and functioned. The sleek, powerful, and energy-efficient machines have attracted a lot of interest in the tech industry. However, running open-source software on Apple Silicon Macs has not been easy due to the difference in architecture from traditional x86-based hardware. This is where the Asahi Linux project comes in. In this article, we will explore the project, its goals, and how it plans to bridge the gap between Linux and Apple Silicon.

Screenshot of Arch Linux ARM of Asahi Linux with KDE Plasma 5


Apple Silicon is based on ARM architecture, which is fundamentally different from the x86 architecture used by traditional computers. As a result, drivers and other software components that work on x86-based systems might not work on Apple Silicon machines. Additionally, Apple’s proprietary components and technologies make it challenging to run open-source software on Macs. However, the Asahi Linux project is attempting to change this by building a Linux distribution that can run natively on Apple Silicon hardware.

The Asahi Linux Project

The Asahi Linux project was started in 2021 by Hector Martin, a prominent Linux developer. Martin was inspired to start the project after purchasing an Apple Silicon Mac and realizing that there were limited options for running Linux on the machine. The goal of the project is to provide a fully-functional Linux operating system that can run natively on Apple Silicon Macs.

The project’s success depends on the development of drivers and other software components that are compatible with the unique hardware architecture of Apple Silicon. The project uses a custom Linux kernel with patches and modifications specific to Apple Silicon, allowing the operating system to interact with the hardware effectively. While the project is still in its early stages, it has made significant progress, with the Linux kernel booting on an Apple Silicon machine and basic hardware components, such as the keyboard and trackpad, working.


The Asahi Linux project has achieved several milestones in its early development stages. These include:

  • Booting a Linux kernel on an Apple Silicon machine
  • Enabling basic hardware components, such as the keyboard and trackpad, to work
  • Implementing a framebuffer driver that allows for basic graphical output
  • Adding support for the system’s thermal and power management features

Community Support

The Asahi Linux project has received support from several companies and organizations, including Google, which donated a machine for development, and ARM, which provided technical support. The project also has an active community of developers and enthusiasts who contribute to its development and provide feedback.

The Asahi Linux project is an exciting development in the world of open-source software, particularly for those who use Apple Silicon Macs. The project aims to bridge the gap between Linux and Apple Silicon, providing users with a powerful and flexible operating system that can run natively on their machines. While the project is still in its early stages, the progress it has made so far is promising. The project’s success depends on continued community support and development, but the potential it holds for expanding the capabilities of Apple Silicon machines is enormous.

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