Kali Linux 2023.1: What’s New in the Latest Release?

Offensive Security has recently released Kali Linux 2023.1, the first version of 2023, which comes with new features and a brand-new distro. Here’s what you can expect from the latest release.

Introducing Kali Purple

The Kali Linux team has introduced a new distro named Kali Purple, aimed at Blue and Purple teams for defensive security. Kali Purple is still in its infancy, but it already includes over 100 defensive tools and a dedicated Wiki to help you get started. This marks a new era for Kali Linux, as the team begins to branch out into defensive security.

New Tools in Kali Linux 2023.1

As expected, Kali Linux 2023.1 comes with new tools to enhance your cybersecurity research and penetration testing. The release brings eight new tools to play with, including CyberChef and Arkime. CyberChef is a powerful analysis tool that lets you analyze, decrypt, deobfuscate, and decode data using a wide variety of tools. Arkime is an open-source packet capture and search tool.

Python Changes and a Warning

The Kali Team has warned that there are numerous Python changes to coincide with Debian’s upcoming Stable release. This may cause problems with PIP, but the team has introduced a temporary patch that prevents the package manager from breaking systemwide. They have also shared three other methods for updating packages that prevent the systemwide package management system from breaking.

Kali Theme Refresh

As with all first versions of the year, Kali Linux 2023.1 introduces a theme refresh that consists of new wallpapers, boot screens, and login/lock screens, including the new Kali Purple wallpaper. The Kali theme refresh gives the OS a fresh new look, and you can customize it to your liking.


Overall, Kali Linux 2023.1 comes with exciting new features, including Kali Purple, new tools, and a theme refresh. The Kali Team is committed to ensuring that Kali Linux remains the go-to distribution for ethical hackers, cybersecurity researchers, and penetration testers. Download the latest release and start exploring the new features today.

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